Saturday, March 24, 2007

The Premise

You know the feeling you get when you're sitting in your cube, and you're staring at your computer screen, and you know you really should be doing your work (because let's face it, you know you have a lot of work), but for some reason you can't stop thinking of other places you'd rather be than in your cube? They don't even have to be good places, like "home" or "on my way home." You'd rather even be in bad places than in your cube. For example, the waiting line at the DMV suddenly looks pretty good. Being stuck in an elevator with that smelly guy from accounting would even be tolerable. In other words, anywhere but in your cube would be better than in your cube.

Well, that's the feeling I've been having lately, and I know I'm not the only one. And that's why I wanted to start this blog - as much as work sucks sometimes, there is humor in it, and it's an experience that almost everyone can relate to. We'll try to find the lighter side of cube life, and maybe come up with some ideas on how to survive your day/week/quarter/career. And even if you don't work in a cube, I'm sure you can relate to many of the stories that will be shared here.

One of the central themes of this blog will be about "Employee Morale" and why this concept doesn't exist in reality. Many companies pride themselves on boosting employee morale, and yet they shoot themselves in the foot trying to accomplish it. I will try to include one example in each of my work-related posts. Feel free to contribute yours.

I also want this blog to be interactive. I want you to add your comments, or email me your funny work stories. All I ask is that you keep it clean (so that others can read it at work without the internet Nazis coming down on them) and keep it relatively anonymous (no last names). If you don't want to post a comment, feel free to email me at And if I eventually decide to put some ads on here, click on them. It won't kill you, I promise. Don't be a cheapskate. Maybe someday I'll be able to get HBO with all the ad revenue. Then I can finally see what the fuss is about with the Sopranos.

One last thing - although many of you will know who the author of this blog is, I will not be using my name, mainly because I don't want to risk any retribution from my current employer. Until this blog turns into an opportunity which allows me to quit my job, I need to keep said job. Ironically, if this does somehow turn into a new career and I quit that job, I'd have lost the main source of information and humor for this blog. You can't beat Corporate. Anyway, I hope you enjoy reading these posts, and I hope you contribute to the site as well. Most of all, I hope you click on the ads that will eventually show up. And spread the word, that would help, too.

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